摘 要
食品安全对人类的生存、国家的安定和社会的发展都是至关重要的。不论在什么时代、什么国度,食品及其安全性是国家领导人和普通老百姓共同关注的永恒主题。随着经济发展水平的不断提高、科学技术的不断进步,我国的食品行业也获得了空前的发展,但与之相伴随的是食品安全问题的威胁也日益严重,如农药、化学原料和食品添加剂的过量使用,导致我国的食品安全事件频发。“三鹿奶粉”事件的发生,使食品安全问题白热化;2013 年,新西兰奶源发生问题,食品安全再一次让人们忧心忡忡;最近闹得沸沸扬扬的转基因食品,更加剧了人们对食品安全的担忧。
我国的食品安全监管,自 2009 年 2 月《食品安全法》颁布以来,取得了很大成效,但存在的问题同样严重。《食品安全法》实施的当年,全国人大常委会就开展了执法检查,并明确了食品安全监管所面临的问题。执法检查组在作报告时指出食品安全法的实施还面临着监管体制改革不到位,配套法规、规章滞后,安全风险监测基础薄弱等几大难题;同时我国现有的法律救济体系存在着事后救济不力的弊端。如何有效监管食品安全,在食品安全事故发生后,如何强化司法救济,提高加害企业的赔偿能力,保障受害人得到实质的补偿,是一个亟待解决的问题。
The issue of food safety is essential for human survival, the stability of thecountry and society. No matter what age, what country, food and its safety is theeternal subject of common concern of national leaders and ordinary people? As theeconomy develops, science and technology continues to improve, China's foodindustry has got unprecedented development, but it is accompanied with theincreasingly serious threats that food safety issues pose, such as the excessive use ofpesticides, chemical raw materials and food additives, which result in frequent foodsafety incidents. The “Sanlu milk powder” scandal has put the issue of food safetyunder the spotlight; in 2013, the problem of New Zealand milk source once againbecome a matter of concern for people; the recently discussed issue of geneticallymodified food has intensified this concern.
Since 2009 February when the “food safety law” was promulgated, the food safetysupervision in China has made great achievements, but there are also serious problems.
During the year when “food safety law” was firstly implemented, the NPC StandingCommittee carried out the inspection of law enforcement, and specified the problemsthat food safety regulations are facing. Law enforcement inspection team pointed outthe law of food safety in the report also faces a variety of problems, such as regulatorysystem is not in place, relevant laws and regulations are behind, and safety riskmonitoring is weak; at the same time, our existing legal relief system exists a drawbackwhich is poor relief after the event. It is an urgent problem to be solved that how tosupervise the problem of food safety effectively in the event of food safety accidents;how to strengthen the judicial relief; how to improve the compensation ability ofenterprises; how to ensure that the victims get substantial compensation.
Since the occurrence of food safety accidents, this article explores theestablishment of food safety liability insurance legal system with a focus on therealization of economic compensation to the victim's.
The first part is about basic theory of food safety liability insurance system. Firstof all, the article summarizes the food safety system. Beginning with the origin of foodsafety, it continues to conduct theoretical analysis of the concept and conduct of thefood safety liability insurance law system. Secondly, it is followed by an overview offood safety liability insurance system analysis, which discusses the framework of foodsafety insurance system with a focus on the legal characteristics, the main content andstatus of the food safety insurance system.
The second part is the current situation with regard to food safety liabilityinsurance system development and problems. First, the status quo of our country andthe world of food safety responsibility insurance system, countries from China to theworld, from the analysis of China's food safety problems of liability insurance, theinsurance company is mainly involved in their own problems, the legal system isimperfect, and food safety responsibilities the existence of insurance system itself isthe problem.
The third part discussed the necessity and feasibility of establishing the legalsystem of food safety liability insurance in our country. Given that there exist the foodsafety problems of current society, and China's lack of food safety liability insurancesystem, and the lack of economic compensation to victims, it analyzes the necessity ofestablishing China's food safety insurance system; meanwhile, it analyzes thefeasibility of establishing insurance responsibility of food safety in China through thecurrent food safety accountability system.
The fourth part discussed the mode choice of food safety liability insurance inChina. It firstly compares the pros and cons of compulsory liability insurance andvoluntary liability insurance, and discusses whether food safety liability insuranceshould be subject to compulsory liability insurance; secondly, it explores the range offood safety liability insurance; thirdly, it discusses the insurance mode which fits ourcountry; fourthly, it discusses the content of the food safety liability insurance systemof our country content.
The fifth part discusses the construction of the legal system of food safety liabilityinsurance in our country. First, improve the formulation of our country food liabilityinsurance legal system and policy in order to provide the legal basis for China's foodsafety liability insurance; second, construct the operating system of food safety liabilitycompulsory insurance on food safety liability compulsory insurance, the insurancepremium rate, the subject of compensation system and legal liability; finally, thesupporting system construction finally from the perfect food safety supervision system,the establishment of reinsurance system and strengthen the insurer supervisionmechanism, increase food liability insurance compensation fund and the establishmentof the same industry share the risk of liability insurance of the old model applicable toperfect food safety liability compulsory insurance.
Keywords: Food safety;Liability insurance;Legal system
目 录
第一章 绪 论
第一节 研究的背景及意义
第二节 国内外研究现状
第三节 的研究方法和基本思路以及创新和不足之处
第二章 食品安全责任保险制度的基本理论
第一节 食品安全制度概述
第二节 食品安全责任保险制度的概述
第三章 食品安全责任保险发展现状及存在的问题
第一节 食品安全责任保险发展现状
第二节 我国食品安全责任保险制度存在的问题
第四章 我国建立食品安全责任保险制度的必要性和可行性
第一节 建立我国食品安全保险制度的必要性
第二节 建立我国食品安全保险制度的可行性
第五章 我国建立食品安全责任保险的模式选择
第一节 食品安全责任保险的相关理论
第二节 建立食品安全强制责任保险制度
第三节 食品安全强制责任保险范围之探讨
第六章 我国食品安全责任保险法律制度的构建
第一节 完善我国实施食品责任保险的法律制度
第二节 食品安全责任强制保险的运行制度建立
第三节 完善食品安全强制责任保险的管理体制
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