2.1 - 2.3:实施食品安全档案管理追溯机制
2.4 2.5:食品安全档案的信息化建设
摘 要
关键词:食品安全 档案管理 研究
In the people's living standards continue to improve, the food industry today, therapid development and increasingly rich varieties, producers and consumers aredemanding more and more is also high. Monitor food safety situation is complex, thedifficulty and bigger and bigger. To solve this problem, the Archive management in foodsafety became one of the important link that nots allow to ignore.
Based on the Archive management in food safety as the research object, under thecurrent situation of food safety, respectively, on how to establish archives managementsystem, food safety in food production, processing, circulation link file material such asthe formation of the channel, the scope of food security file material formationexploration; Implementation of the archives management of food safety traceabilitysystem, food authentication file systems and file information construction in the foodsafety and food safety of archives management role to establish early warning system isstudied and put forward the constructive opinions.
The first part is an introduction. Put forward and expounded in this paper, themain concepts involved, briefly introduced the research status at home and abroad in thefield of food safety records management, and points out that the existing food safetyexisting in the work of archives management deficiencies, elaborated this article researchpurpose, significance and so on.
The second part is to establish food safety archives urgency and importance. Byreference to the typical food safety incidents, summarized the common problems whichexist in archives management, and discusses the establishment of food safety archivesurgency and importance and describes the establishment of food safety archives urgencyand importance of the cause.
The third part is the establishment of food safety archives management system.
Proposed the establishment of framework for food safety management system archives,archives and other food safety management systems, business norms main content offood safety traceability archives management system, information technology in foodsafety archives.
The fourth part is the implementation of food safety certification system status file.The concept proposed food safety certification status file, discusses food safetycertification status file and the ways and means to establish an effective early warningsystem for food safety point of view archives.
The fifth part is a summary and analysis of the full text of the summary andsublimation. View summarized in this paper, as well as status under article ideas andmethods of food safety and archives management major impact on food security.
Key Words: Food Safety Archives Management Research
目 录
0.1 概念和范畴
0.1.1 食品与食品安全
0.1.2 食品安全的有关国家标准
0.1.3 食品安全档案
0.1.4 食品安全档案的形成渠道
0.2 国内外研究现状
0.2.1 国内研究现状
0.2.2 国外研究现状
0.3 研究意义、创新及不足之处
0.3.1 本课题研究意义
0.3.2 本课题研究的创新之处
0.3.3 本课题研究的不足之处
1 建立食品安全档案的迫切性和重要性
1.1 建立食品安全档案管理的迫切性
1.1.1 典型食品安全事件
1.1.2 典型食品安全事件的共性
1.1.3 食品安全出现的问题及原因
1.1.4 建立食品安全档案的迫切性
1.2 建立食品安全档案的重要性
1.2.1 食品安全档案管理是食品企业的基础性工作
1.2.2 食品安全档案是食品质量的保证和依据
1.2.3 食品安全档案的建立是企业信誉的保障及对社会的责任
1.3 本章小结
2 食品安全档案管理体系的建立
2.1 食品安全档案管理的体系构成
2.2 食品安全档案管理制度以及业务规范的建立
2.2.1 明确食品安全档案管理工作制度
2.2.2 食品安全文件材料的归档范围
2.2.3 企业做好食品安全档案工作的方法
2.3 实施食品安全档案管理追溯机制
2.3.1 什么是食品安全档案追溯
2.3.2 监管体系中食品安全档案的追溯
2.3.3 生产过程中的食品安全档案的追溯
2.3.4 流通环节中的食品安全档案的追溯
2.4 食品安全档案的信息化建设
2.4.1 食品安全档案信息化的目的
2.4.2 食品安全档案信息化的概念以及原则
2.4.3 食品安全档案信息化建设的内容
2.4.4 食品安全档案信息化的网络建设
2.5 本章小结
3 实施食品安全身份档案认证制度
3.1 食品安全身份档案认证的概念
3.1.1 食品安全身份档案
3.1.2 食品安全身份档案认证
3.2 食品安全身份档案认证的途径和方法
3.2.1 食品安全身份档案认证的途径
3.2.2 食品安全身份档案认证的内容和方法
3.3 建立有效的食品安全档案预警制度
3.3.1 食品安全档案预警的概念
3.3.2 食品安全档案预警制度的建立
3.4 本章小结
4 总结与分析