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来源:http://www.jiaolezhizhajijiameng.com点击: 发布时间:2020-07-29


  摘 要





  关键词:饭店 员工社会责任 社会责任 离职倾向


  With the speeding up of global economic integration, the further adjustment ofindustrial structure, service industry bear the more and more important role. Hotel as arepresentative of the service industry, the behavior of enterprises, corporate image hasbeen more and more attention. This hotel in objectively requires not only to promote thegrowth of economic benefits, more to take the initiative to fulfill corporate socialresponsibility. As hotel enterprise is the most important stakeholders, employees and hotelenterprises fulfill the social responsibility of the starting point.

  The study do empirical research on relationship between CSR and employee turnoverintention from employee’s viewpoint. On the one hand, on the basis of existing researchand related theory, this study reviews the relevant literature and defines the concepts ofcorporate social responsibility, employee satisfaction and employee turnover intention. Onthe other hand, on the basis of literature study and theoretical analysis, this study take ahotel in xi 'an as investigation object, according to the relationships between hotel socialresponsibility and hotel employee turnover intention questionnaire, do the empirical casestudy.

  Through this theoretical and empirical research,we can draw the followingconclusion:corporate social performance and employee satisfaction have significantpositive correlation;corporate social performance and employee turnover intention havesignificant negative correlation,CSP has significant effects on employee turnover intentionand employee satisfaction,CSP on legal responsibility,discretionary hotel responsibilityhave significant effects on hotel employee satisfaction with the whole corporate andemployee satisfaction with work return. Employee satisfaction with the whole corporatedoesn’t have intermediary role between employees’ social responsibility and employeeturnover intention,employee satisfaction with the work return have fully intermediary rolebetween employees’ social responsibility and employee turnover intention. Someemployees individual attributes exist significant differences in job satisfaction andturnover intention.

  In real hotel environment, the influencing factors of employee turnover intention isnot only very numerous and very complex, this study can not control all the factors. Dueto the limited time and funds, subjects is very difficult to do rigorous sampling, andstatistical analysis technology is limited, the research conclusion cannot be extended to allhotel employees or star hotel;Therefore,Social responsibility and the hotel employeeturnover intention relations research is an area where needs to be more theoretical andempirical research.

  Key words: hotel; social responsibility; Employees’ Social Responsibility; turnoverintention;

    目 录



  1. 导论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究目的和研究意义

  1.2.1 研究目的

  1.2.2 研究意义

  1.3 研究内容和研究方法及创新点

  1.3.1 研究内容

  1.3.2 研究方法

  1.3.3 创新点

  1.4 研究思路和结构

  1.4.1 研究思路

  1.4.2 结构

  2. 理论研究

  2.1 饭店对员工的社会责任研究综述

  2.1.1 企业社会责任

  2.1.2 饭店社会责任

  2.1.3 企业对员工的具体责任

  2.2 离职理论的研究综述

  2.2.1 离职

  2.2.2 离职倾向

  2.2.3 离职模型

  2.3 离职倾向影响因素的研究综述

  2.3.1 工作满意度与离职倾向的关系研究

  2.3.2 企业社会表现与工作满意度的关系研究

  3 饭店对员工的社会责任与员工离职倾向关系影响机理分析

  3.1.1 饭店对员工的社会责任与饭店员工满意度的关系

  3.1.2 饭店员工满意度与饭店员工离职倾向的关系

  3.2 饭店对员工的社会责任与饭店员工离职倾向关系模型

  3.3 西安某四星级饭店案例探讨

  3.3.1 案例介绍

  3.3.2 案例分析

  4. 管理策略

  4.1 强化对员工法律责任的承担,构建和谐劳动关系

  4.2 建立和完善有效的激励机制,实施企业人本管理

  4.3 合理规划员工的职业生涯,实现员工和企业双赢

  5. 结论与思考

  5.1 研究结论

  5.2 研究贡献

  5.3 研究局限与研究展望




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